Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions. To view our new Terms which apply from 19th June 2024, click here
Terms of use
1. Background
1.1 The Service Provider intends to make available to qualifying members of the public and corporate entities the facility of access to vehicles operated either solely by the Service Provider or by the Service Provider and a Licensee.
1.2 The Service Provider is willing to permit the User to use (and the User agrees to use) designated vehicles on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.
1.3 Where a User is resident in the defined area of a Licensee, and the Licensee is a membership based organisation, then the User shall be considered a member of the Licensee organisation unless prohibited by the rules of the Licensee or until such time as membership is declined or terminated by either the Licensee or the User.
The following terms have the following meanings;
Agreement means this agreement
Collision Damage Waiver an optional product purchased by the User to reduce the amount the User pays if the vehicle is damaged, lost or stolen while it is in the User's possession.
Corporate Body means an organisation which has entered into an agreement with the Service Provider whereby its employees, contractors, agents, or other authorised persons may use the vehicles on its behalf.
User means the person from time to time authorised to use the vehicle, and where the user is a Corporate Body, includes the person authorised by both that Corporate Body and the Service Provider to use the vehicle.
User's Handbook means User's handbook, which is issued to Users which may be superseded from time to time
2.The User's Agreement
2.1 The User agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions as listed in this agreement and acknowledges that The Service Provider reserves the right to repossess the vehicle at any time without demand at the User's expense if the terms of this Agreement are breached.
2.2 The conditions and responsibilities of the user shall lie, in the first instance, with the Corporate Body on the occasions when the user is using the vehicle with the authority and permission of a Corporate Body, and where that Corporate Body has agreed to accept the conditions and responsibilities.
2.3 For the avoidance of doubt, it is assumed that when an employee, contractor, agent, or other authorised person of the Corporate Body is using a vehicle during the block booked hours that the corporate body has given authority and permission for such usage.
3. Collection
The User agrees that prior to the driving away of the vehicle he/she will:
3.1 Inspect the vehicle for any damage either inside or outside the vehicle. Any damage not shown on the previous damage report must be recorded on the next damage report and in the log-book;
3.2 The User is only authorised to use the vehicle at the time and date specified in a booking made with the Service Provider.
4. Return
4.1 The vehicle must be returned by the agreed time and date to the designated collection point as pre-arranged with the central reservations, as provided by the Service Provider;
4.2 The User agrees to return vehicle keys to the glove box within the vehicle immediately, at the end of each hire;
4.3 The User agrees he/she will return the vehicle with all documents and accessories present at the time of collection (see User's Handbook for details) and in the same condition as they were on collection;
4.4 All extension of vehicle hire requests from the Service Provider must be made prior to the agreed return time for hire.
5. Charges for Late Return
If the vehicle is not returned by the agreed time and date to the designated collection point, the Service Provider will be entitled to charge the User at the agreed rate (see relevant tariff details) plus any applicable penalty charges, until the vehicle is either returned or recovered.
6. Charges for Returning the Vehicle in Poor Condition Unacceptable to the Service Provider
If the vehicle is not returned to the Service Provider in the same condition as it was in on collection, the Service Provider will be entitled to charge the User for the cost of valeting, and/or servicing the vehicle (including the cost of spare parts), in addition to the charges arising under clause 9.
7. Other Charges
Full details of all the charges to Users are as shown on the Co-wheels website and are available in written form on request.
In accordance with the charges as set out on the Co-wheels website, the User shall pay or reimburse the Service Provider on demand the sum of:
7.1 The agreed joining fee and the agreed returnable deposit;
7.2 The agreed rental rate for the period including authorised and unauthorised extensions;
7.3 The agreed minimum monthly charge;
7.4 Any applicable penalty charges;
7.5 All mileage charges relating to the distance travelled whilst the vehicle is in use;
7.6 Any fines, penalties, court costs or other expenses imposed on the Service Provider by law, arising from the use of the vehicle while on rent to the User, unless due to the Service Provider's fault, which shall not relieve the User or any other person of direct responsibility to any public authority for his/her unlawfulness;
7.7 The Service Provider's costs, including reasonable legal fees and administration charges incurred in collecting amounts due from the User under this Agreement;
7.8 Interest at 9% above Bank of England Base Rate on any monies owing at the end of the month following the charge arising;
7.9 Any amounts due under any clauses in this agreement relating to the loss or damage to the vehicle;
7.10 Any sums incurred by the Service Provider in connection with the recovery of the vehicle, or otherwise incurred by the Service Provider due to the User's acts or omissions; and
7.11 The agreed monthly charge for the Collision Damage Waiver, in accordance with clause 22.
7.12 On occasion we may ask for a deposit to be paid to secure use of the service. All deposits are to remain on account for duration minimum 6 months and once account is closed will be returned within 30 days.
8. Responsibility of the User
8.1 Subject to clause 8.3, the User is responsible for the first £600(aged 21 or over) or
£750 (under 21) of any costs of repairs for damage to the vehicle, howsoever caused, unless the Collision Damage Waiver has been purchased in which case clause 8.1.1 will apply.
8.1.1 Subject to clause 8.3, where Collision Damage Waiver has been purchased, the User is responsible for the first £100 of any cost of repairs for damage to the vehicle.
8.2 Subject to clause 8.3, the User is responsible for the first £600 (aged 21 or over) or £750 (under 21) of any costs related to the theft of the vehicle whilst in their custody or control, unless the Collision Damage Waiver has been purchased in which case clause 8.2.1 will apply,
8.2.1 Subject to clause 8.3, where Collision Damage Waiver has been purchased, the User is responsible for the first £100 of any cost of repairs related to the theft of the vehicle whilst in their custody or control.
8.3 In the event that damage to the vehicle or theft of the vehicle is caused by the User's deliberate or fraudulent act, omission, abuse, negligence or any breach of any of the terms of this Agreement, the User is responsible to pay the full cost of repair or replacement of the vehicle as deemed appropriate by the Service Provider and the User's liability will not be capped at the excess amounts set out in clauses 8.1 or 8.2 and will not be protected by the Collision Damage Waiver product purchased by the User.
8.4 The User is responsible for checking the correct fuel card is in the vehicle at the commencement of the booking and for reporting its absence before driving off.
8.5 The User is responsible for unauthorised use of the fuel card whilst the vehicle is in their custody or control.
9. Care of the Vehicle
9.1 The User must look after the vehicle, making sure it is locked and secure when not in use, use the correct fuel, and set and use any security device fitted.
9.2 The User must check the oil and water on collection, and subsequently on a daily basis.
9.3 The User must inspect the tyres on a daily basis, and ensure that they are inflated to the correct pressure at all times.
9.4 The User is responsible for keeping the vehicle sufficiently supplied with the correct fuel (see Users Handbook), and ensuring that the vehicle interior is left clean and tidy before it is returned. All petrol, diesel and hybrid vehicles must be returned at the end of the booking with at least 1/4 tank of fuel remaining. All electric vehicles returned after bookings must be left on charge.
9.5 The user must report any damage caused to the vehicle whilst out on hire whether the vehicle is drivable or not.
10. Conditions of Use
10.1 The User must not allow the vehicle:
10.1.1 to be used to smoked in
10.1.2 to be used to carry passengers or cargo for remuneration (it is however permitted to share the cost of hire with passengers);
10.1.3 to be used to propel or tow any vehicle, trailer or other object without the prior written agreement of the service provider;
10.1.4 to be used to take part in any race,rally,pace-making,trials,speed testing or other contest;
10.1.5 to be used for motor trade use;
10.1.6 to be used while the driver is under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any other substance impairing their consciousness or ability to react;
10.1.7 to be used in contravention of any traffic regulations – note that committing any traffic offence, other than those listed in section 11.1.3 is a violation of this agreement;
10.1.8 to be driven by any other person (including any other User) who has not first been authorised by the Service Provider and added to the Service Provider Agreement;
10.1.9 to drive or be driven outside England, Scotland, and Wales without permission and documentation from the Service Provider;
10.2 Failure to comply with the conditions of use may result in the charge of penalty payments or the recovery of the vehicle without notice at the User's expense.
10.3 The User agrees to notify the Service Provider immediately (or at least 48 hours before the next booking, in any event) if any of the following events occur:
10.3.1 The User is involved in an accident involving a vehicle that he or she is driving (whether or not a Service Provider vehicle);
10.3.2 The User's driving licence is endorsed, and the User agrees to provide their licence with the schedule of endorsements to the Service Provider for copying;
10.3.3 The User's occupation changes to that of a restricted occupation (as defined in clauses 13.1.5, 13.1.6, 13.1.7,13.1.8);
10.3.4 The User suffers from a health related complaint that restricts their ability to drive safely.
10.3.5 The User commits any motoring offence whether or not in a Service Provider Vehicle.
10.4 In the event that changes of status occur which affect eligibility the User will be suspended, unless renewed approval can be obtained under special conditions.
10.5 The User agrees that he/she has read and understood the User's Handbook and the procedures contained therein, and the conditions relating to the use of the vehicle, the security of the vehicle, and the use and care of the keys for the vehicle.
11. Insurance and Eligibility of Users
11.1 The service shall only be available to members of the public who meet the following acceptance rules:
11.1.1 Are over the age of 21 with a clean driving licence
11.1.2 Are full driving licence holders for the class of vehicle being hired, who have held their licence for a minimum of 12 months.
11.1.3 If you are aged 25 or under, you must possess a clean licence, with 0 points or endorsements. Applicants over the age of 26 must have no more than 6 points issued on their driving licence
11.1.4 Have had no no more than three accidents in the last three years for those aged 21 and over;
11.1.5 Has not been disqualified from driving for a period exceeding six months in the last three years or has been disqualified for more than three months during the past year.
11.1.6 Any person not disclosed on the hirer driving declaration (application form)
11.1.7 Have been involved in no more than three accidents in the last three years.
11.1.8 Have no more than two theft claims in the last three years.
11.1.9 Are not professional sportspersons, models, itinerant workers or members of the entertainment profession.
11.2 Drivers Not Insured:
11.2.1 Provisional licence holders.
11.2.2 Drivers aged under 21 years
11.2.3 Drivers aged 24 or under when the vehicle being hired has a seating capacity of nine or more, in addition to the driver's seat.
11.2.4 Drivers with more than 6points
11.2.5 Drivers with a non UK driving licence
11.2.6 Drivers who have held a licence for less than 24 months
11.3 Drivers with the following convictions on their licences will not be insured:
UT50; CD40; CD50; CD60; CD70; CD71; DD40; DD60; DD80; DR10; DR20; DR30; DR31; DR40; DR50; DR60; DR61; DR70; DR80 or DR90.
11.4 Disability only where driver has notified DVLA at Swansea of the disability or disease and that a licence has been issued, or not revoked. Medical conditions which should be notified to DVLA are:
An epileptic event
Sudden attacks of disabling giddiness, fainting or blackouts
Severe mental handicap
a pacemaker, defibrillator or anti-ventricular tachycardia device fitted
Diabetes controlled by insulin or tablets
Angina (heart pain) whilst driving
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinsons disease
Any other chronic neurological condition
A serious problem with memory
A serious problem with confusion
A major or minor stroke
Any type of brain surgery, brain tumour or severe head injury involving hospital in-patient treatment
Any severe psychiatric illness or mental disorder
Continuing/permanent difficulty in the use of arms or legs which affects ability to control a vehicle safely
*Dependence on or misuse of alcohol, illicit drugs or chemical substances in the past 3 years – this does not include drink/driving offences
Any visual disability which affects BOTH eyes – it is not necessary to declare short/long sight or colour blindness
11.5 The Service Provider has insurance coverage for the persons using the vehicle with their permission (and not otherwise) in accordance with an Automatic Liability Insurance Policy (see User's Handbook). This policy meets all applicable statutory requirements and protects the owner and/or authorised driver of the vehicle against any legal claims from third parties for personal injury or material damage caused by the use of the vehicle.
11.6 Where the User is a corporate body, they may enter in to their own policy of insurance, provided that it is with a reputable insurance company approved in writing in advance by the Service Provider and their insurers, and on terms acceptable to the Service Provider, and their insurers. Documentary evidence of the insurance policy must be provided.
11.7 The User waives all rights to and agrees that the Service Provider or persons acting on its behalf will conduct negotiations and agree any settlement with the insurers and that any monies in respect of vehicle loss or damage will be paid to the Service Provider or such persons as the Service Provider may direct.
11.8 In the case of a user setting up an account, for the avoidance of doubt, this meaning that the user is responsible for all billing and charges for bookings against the account, regardless of the driver making the booking, they will be designated as the Account Owner. In such circumstances whereby the user is the Account Owner the user acknowledges that a credit check may be undertaken by us to confirm the user's identity and assess the eligibility of membership of the user. Such assessments of eligibility shall be considered on an individual basis and without prejudice.
11.9 The user agrees to the use of insurance telematics and for the data to be used internally to identify adherence to the Automatic Liability Insurance Policy. The data is restricted to use internally and if required by account holders to assess driving behaviour and identify potential risks for insurance claims following our privacy policy.
12. Accidents
12.1 The User must report any traffic accident, loss, damage, or theft of the vehicle to the police immediately and to the Service Provider as soon as practically possible, which would normally be within 6 hours; the police reference number allocated must be provided.
12.2 The User must not admit liability or guilt in the event of an accident, or promise to pay any third party, or attempt any repair. A Service Provider accident or theft report form must be fully completed on request. If the User does not comply with this request, insurers may refuse the claim.
12.3 The User agrees to co-operate with the Service Provider and its insurers in any investigation or subsequent legal proceedings and agrees to telematics data being used as part of any investigation.
13. Personal Property
The Service Provider is not liable to the User or any passenger for loss or damage to property left in the vehicle either during the period of hire or thereafter. Such property is left entirely at the User's or passenger's own risk. Users are not covered by the Service Provider's insurance for the theft of possessions or valuables from the vehicles.
14. Personal Data
The Service Provider will only use a User's personal information as set out in the Privacy Policy. Personal data will be collated through Insurance telematics to be used internally and by account managers for risk management of drivers.
To the extent allowed by law:
15.1 The User agrees to indemnify and hold the Service Provider harmless against any claims in connection with operation of the vehicle, any damages suffered by, including without limitation, the fines and other consequences referred to in clause 5 above, or any matters which are the consequences of the User's acts or omissions.
15.2 The Service Provider expressly disclaims any liability for damage or loss of any kind suffered by the User or any third party, unless it has been proven that the Service Provider is at fault.
16. The Service Provider's Agreement
The Service Provider agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions as listed in this contract and acknowledges that the User reserves the right to terminate the agreement at anytime without demand at the Service Provider's expense if the terms of this Agreement are breached.
The Service Provider agrees to provide the minimum service provision, which is defined as follows:
17. Vehicle Provision
17.1 The Service Provider, will ensure, as far as is reasonably possible and in accordance with the Agreement, that the vehicle is in a road worthy condition.
17.2 Vehicles are made available (according to the agreed terms and conditions)to Users from the designated parking stations from the booked start time, and are accessed by the User's smartcard (see User's Handbook for details). Once the vehicle has been checked for external damage and internal neglect, and relevant details of condition have been entered in the logbook, a User can then use the vehicle in accordance with the agreed terms and conditions.
17.3 The Service Provider ensures that the vehicles are in a road worthy condition and are regularly serviced. In the event of a vehicle breakdown occurring, and once the User has requested assistance (as set out in the User's Handbook), a designated breakdown Service Provider will attend to the vehicle (according to the terms and conditions as arranged with the Service Provider).
17.4 Vehicles can be booked via a Service Centre or through the internet booking site. The Service Centre can be contacted at specified times (see User's Handbook) for bookings, general enquiries, reporting theft, or damage of any other nature using the contact details shown in the current User's Handbook.To access a vehicle, bookings must be made in advance according to the terms and conditions set out in the User's Handbook. If the User's requirements cannot be met, the Service Centre will endeavour to offer an alternative but cannot guarantee to meet all the User's requirements.
18. General
Changes to this Agreement
Any changes to the terms and conditions of this Agreement will be notified to the User by the Service Provider.
19. Term of this agreement
19.1 Save for the Collision Damage Waiver which can be terminated in accordance with clause 22.1, this Agreement shall remain in force until cancelled in writing by either party and the User has paid all monies due to the Service Provider. Co Wheels reserves the right to terminate membership without prior notification for breach of membership and should a member fail to comply with these terms and conditions.
19.2 This Agreement will be terminated if superseded by a new contract between the User and a new Service Provider (in agreement with the current Service Provider and User)
20. Law and Jurisdiction
Any proceedings arising in connection with this Agreement shall be submitted to the non- exclusive jurisdiction of the competent court in the county of registration of the vehicle.
The applicable law in any proceedings will be the law of the courts of England, Wales and Scotland.
21. Assignment
The User shall not been titled to assign or otherwise transfer any of its rights or obligation under this Agreement.
22.Collision Damage Waiver
The Collision Damage Waiver cover limits the User's financial exposure for damage caused to the Vehicle whilst it is in the User's care. If a User purchases the Collision Damage Waiver product and complies with the applicable laws and the terms of this Agreement then the Service Provider will pay for any damage to the vehicle that exceeds the excess amount (referred to at clauses 8.1.1 and 8.2.1). The purchase of a Collision Damage Waiver is optional and may be declined by the Service Provider. Collision Damage Waiver is not insurance and does not provide or alter insurance coverage. Once the User has made (a) journey(s) covered by the Collision Damage Waiver, regardless of the need to facilitate coverage, no refunds shall be made.
22.1 On payment of the relevant charges Optional Collision Damage Waiver is provided to the User by the Service Provider for a minimum term of 12 months ("minimum term") and thereafter the User may cancel the product by giving the Service Provider one calendar months written notice.
22.2 The User has the right to cancel the Collision Damage Waiver agreement within 28 days of purchasing the coverage provided the User has had no incidents where the coverage has been utilised unless clause 22.3 applies. In the instance of cancellation by the User the following will apply:
22.2.1 Where the User has not made any journeys covered by the Collision Damage Waiver during the period, any charges shall be refunded
22.2.2 Where the User has made (a) journey(s) covered by the Collision Damage Waiver, regardless of the need to facilitate coverage, no refunds shall be made.
22.3 Should the User take out Collision Damage Waiver and subsequently cancel the subscription they may re-subscribe to the cover, however, where a User is re-subscribing to Collision Damage Waiver following cancellation under clause 22.2 of this Agreement, it will be considered a linked period and as such the 28 day cancellation period will not apply and the minimum term in such circumstances will apply as per clause 22.1. This will be applicable for the continuous period that the User is a member of Co-wheels Car Club.
22.4 The Service Provider retains the right to cancel the Collision Damage Waiver agreement at any time for any reason. Where the Service Provider exercises the right to cancel Collision Damage Waiver, the Service Provider will notify the User and the date of cancellation will be deemed as the date that the Service Provider has notified the User.
22.5 If the Collision Damage Waiver is cancelled by the User during the minimum term (but after the 28 day period referred to in clause 22.2), the User shall remain liable for all charges due throughout the minimum term.
22.6 Where Collision Damage Waiver coverage as been cancelled, by either the User or the Service Provider, only bookings completed up to the date of cancellation will be deemed as covered. Any bookings made where the start date of the booking is after the cancellation date will not be covered and normal excess rates will apply.
22.7 It is the responsibility of the User to ensure there is sufficient Collision Damage Waiver coverage applicable to the number of drivers on the User's account in accordance with the rates at sign up and advertised on the Co-wheels website.
22.8 In the event that it has been identified that the coverage is at an inappropriate level based on the number of drivers on an account, the Service Provider retains the right to consider the coverage void and apply standard excess rates.
22.9 Where the User increases coverage based on additional drivers this will be considered a continuation of the original agreement for the Collision Damage Waiver product rather than a new agreement.
22.10 Where a User has multiple User accounts, coverage will only apply to the account billed for Collision Damage Waiver. Should the User wish additional accounts to be covered they must take out additional coverage against the specific accounts.
The term ‘Co-wheels’ or ‘us’ or ‘we’ refers to the owner of the website whose registered office is 7 - 15 Pink Lane, Newcastle, Tyne & Wear, NE1 5DW. The term ‘you’ refers to the user or viewer of our website.
The use of this website is subject to the following terms of use:
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Privacy policy
Our full privacy notice sets out how Co-wheels uses and protects any information that you give Co-wheels when you use this website. The key points for use of the website are summarised below but for full detail;s including how we use the information you give us when you become a members see co-wheels.org.uk/privacy
Co-wheels is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using this website, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement.
Co-wheels may change this policy from time to time by updating this page and co-wheels.org.uk/privacy. You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes. This policy is effective from May 2018.
What we collect
We may collect the following information in contact forms on our webpages:
Name and contact information - including email address and phone number, and demographic information such as postcode.
What we do with the information we gather
We use this information to understand and analyse demand and interest for our services. We also share anonymous data confidentially for research purposes with trusted academic and research partners who undertake to hold all personal data securely and not to transmit it to any other party.
We also use information we collect to contact you via email with further information about our services locally and nationally. We will continue to email you with relevant updates to services in your area, and offers and information about our services, and services of others, which we think will be of interest to you. You can opt out at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link we send in every email, or by emailing info@co-wheels.org.uk
We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.
How we use cookies
A cookie is a small file which asks permission to be placed on your computer's hard drive. Once you agree, the file is added and the cookie helps analyse web traffic or lets you know when you visit a particular site. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual. The web application can tailor its operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences.
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We also use cookies for Facebook adverts and Google AdWords Remarketing to advertise Co-wheels across the Internet. Facebook and AdWords remarketing may display relevant ads tailored to you based on what parts of the Co-wheels website you have viewed by placing a cookie on your machine. The cookie cannot be used to identify you, and is simply used to say "This person visited this page, so show them ads relating to that page."
Facebook and Google AdWords Remarketing allows us to tailor our marketing to better suit your needs and only display ads that are relevant to you.
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If you do not wish to participate in our Google AdWords Remarketing, you can opt out by visiting Google's Ads Preferences Manager
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Links to other websites
Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.
Controlling your personal information & opting out of direct marketing
All emails we send contain a link to unsubscribe you from any promotional contact from Co-wheels. If you have left details on our website which have enabled us to contact you for direct marketing purposes, you may change your mind at any time by writing to or emailing us at info@co-wheels.co.uk.
We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so. We may use your personal information to send you promotional information about third parties which we think you may find interesting if you tell us that you wish this to happen.
You may request details of personal information which we hold about you. If you would like a copy of the information held on you please write to the Data Controller at 7 - 15 Pink Lane, Newcastle, Tyne & Wear, NE1 5DW or email your request to info@co-wheels.org.uk.
If you believe that any information we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, please write to or email us as soon as possible, at the above address. We will promptly correct any information found to be incorrect.
Website Disclaimer
The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only. The information is provided by Co-wheels and while we endeavour to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the website or the information, products, services, or related graphics contained on the website for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk.
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Through this website you are able to link to other websites which are not under the control of Co-wheels. We have no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites. The inclusion of any links does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorse the views expressed within them.
Every effort is made to keep the website up and running smoothly. However, Co-wheels takes no responsibility for, and will not be liable for, the website being temporarily unavailable due to technical issues beyond our control.
Copyright notice
This website and its content is copyright of Co-wheels - © Co-wheels 2021. All rights reserved.
Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited other than the following:
you may print or download to a local hard disk extracts for your personal and non-commercial use only you may copy the content to individual third parties for their personal use, but only if you acknowledge the website as the source of the material You may not, except with our express written permission, distribute or commercially exploit the content. Nor may you transmit it or store it in any other website or other form of electronic retrieval system.
Refund Policy
If you need to cancel your car hire reservation, please do so as soon as possible to avoid any cancellation fees. If you cancel more than 2 hours before the scheduled pick-up time, you will not be charged. If you cancel less than 2 hours before the scheduled pick-up time, you will be charged the full amount of the rental fee and may not be eligible for a refund.
If you do not show up to pick up your Co Wheels car and do not contact us to cancel the reservation, you will be charged the full amount of the rental fee and will not be eligible for a refund.
Early Return
If you return the car early, you will not be eligible for a refund for any unused rental time.
For details of our refund policy check out the full policy here - https://co-wheels.zendesk.com/hc/en-gb/articles/11506449210898
Accessibility Statement
Co-wheels is committed to making resources and services accessible to as many of our users as possible and, where practicable any users with disabilities who need them.
The design and construction of this site has therefore taken into account current accessibility standards at the time of development.
We will work with clients and visitors to provide a reasonable accommodation to your needs. If you have a question about the accessibility of any of our services or resources, please contact us at info@co-wheels.co.uk.
- Gift Up! gift cards can be purchased at any time. This gift card enables people to purchase driver credit at a promotional rate of 10% less than normal rates. This driving credit is then added to the Co-wheels member account. This gift card driver credit is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase. If driving credit has not been redeemed by then it will be lost. Gift card purchases of driver credit are non refundable.
- Promotional offers can only be used as individual offers and not in combination with other offers.