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Find, Book and Unlock a Co Wheels car near you

Become a member online and gain instant access to a fleet of over 700 vehicles across the UK
At the end of your journey, drop it back in its parking bay or zone

The smart alternative to car ownership

With no loan costs, garage bills, MOTs, tax, insurance or petrol bills - Co Wheels is the smart alternative to traditional car ownership. Sign up and gain access to a fleet of over 700 vehicles across the UK, available 24/7 on a street near you.

Only pay for a car when you need it - the smarter alternative to car ownership

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Quick Reads

What are pay as you go cars?

Hands up who could live without a car?Doing the school run, a quick trip to the shops, the long commute to work and a short journey to the park with the family. Could you imagine doing this without a car?

Co Wheels car club in Aberdeen

5 Reasons Why You Should Join Co Wheels Car Club

Are you tired of the endless hassle and expenses that come with car ownership? Join us as we spill the beans on why joining Co Wheels is the best thing you can do for both the environment and your wallet.

Co Wheels road trip

Budget-Friendly Tips for an Epic Road Trip

Embarking on a road trip can be an exciting adventure filled with scenic landscapes, new experiences, and the freedom to explore at your own pace. While the idea of hitting the open road is undoubtedly appealing, the costs associated with a road trip can quickly add up and burn a hole in your pocket. But don’t worry! With some smart tips, you can make your road trip exciting without going over your budget. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you make the most of your journey on a budget.

Co Wheels in Plymouth

Co Wheels Expands to Eastbourne, Plymouth and Salisbury

Car ownership can often feel like a burden. The ownership costs, maintenance costs, parking fees, and environmental impact add up, leaving many seeking alternatives. Co Wheels launched in 2008 to make sustainable travel accessible, affordable, and convenient. What began with just a few cars in Durham has grown into the UK's largest community-interest car club operator, with a presence in over 60 towns and cities nationwide.

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