Get access to pay-as-you-go cars in Dundee
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Don't miss out on the freedom of using a car without the hassles of car ownership

Register and get access to over 500 cars in 60+ locations

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How it works

Find a car near you

Check on our location map here or download our app to find the nearest car to where you live or work

Book your car

Book your car for the date and time you want it, then just collect it and drive!


Swipe your card and drive off - simple!

Pay for time spent

Once you've returned the car, you just pay for any mileage through your account

Our cars in Dundee

We have a range of cars in Dundee to choose from based on your needs, including fuel-efficient hybrid vehicles and EVs. The cars range in size from MG 4 and Toyota Yaris hatchbacks perfect for city travel to family size MG ZS SUVs for when you are travelling with your family. They include automatics and manuals, available 24/7 on street in reserved bays across Dundee and can be booked instantly online or via our app, making them a realistic and cheaper alternative to owning a car.

Meeting in town or going for a trip up the coast?

Our community car rental scheme is not just your typical car hire. Our vehicles can be hired by the hour, and booked within 15 minutes of departure on our app. We see our vehicles as the communities vehicles, there for you and your neighbours to share when you need it, whether that be for visiting the shops in Dundee or a trip out with the family. We cover everything, including insurance, cleaning, servicing and refuelling - you just book a car when you need one, and drive away!

Only pay for a car when you need it - the smarter alternative to car ownership

Vehicle Rates for Dundee
VehiclePer hourPer dayPer mileEV mile

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